Pi Day Events

Poster Competition

One of the main events of our Pi Day Celebration was our graduate research poster competition. Many graduate students created a poster containing the main points of their thesis research and present their findings to other students as well as a committee of professors who determine the best presentation. Not only is this a great opportunity for graduate students to practice presenting their research for their thesis defense, but it also allows for undergraduates to experience what graduate research is like and encourage them to pursue higher education. The winner of this year’s poster competition was Chris Hogan and second place was Yumeng Wang.

Dr. Singler, Dr. Hong, Dr. Lungstrum, Chris Hogan, Dr. Wang, and Dr. Zhang
Dr. Singler, Dr. Hong, Dr. Lungstrum, Yumeng Wang, Dr. Wang, and Dr. Zhang

Eating Dozens of Pies

Obviously, you cannot have Pi Day without eating pies. In order to celebrate the exciting event, multiple students from our Foundations for Undergraduate Mathematicians Club baked dozens of pies for everyone to enjoy.

History of Pi

Dr. Wang gave a great presentation on the history of Pi as well as many fun facts to start off the event.

Writing Pi

The final event of the day was writing many digits of Pi. Every person who came to the event had the opportunity to write 10 digits of Pi on a piece of paper and attach it to the long chain of digits.