Fast Track


Fast Track is S&T's summer math program that gives you an opportunity to earn credit by exam for algebra and trigonometry.  By successfully completing the online Fast Track program and exams this summer, you can be more prepared and move ahead in your math. Success in Fast Track can allow you to brush up on your skills, take a more advanced course, or to take one semester of Calc I instead of two! If you are self-motivated, Fast Track can save you time and money on college math courses.

Who Is Eligible?

To be eligible for Fast Track, you must be a new incoming S&T freshman or transfer student who has attended and completed their A&R Day or Transfer Advising.

How Does Fast Track Work?

Once registered, you'll be part of a group of students working toward the same goal - improving your math skills and perhaps boosting your math placement for the fall. You'll do your work online through S&T's learning management system, Canvas, with S&T faculty ready and available to assist you as you progress through the program.

Fast Track is organized by Level - algebra and trigonometry - and each Level is divided into multiple lessons.  A faculty advisor will determine your starting Level based on information you have provided (test scores, transfer credit).  You must complete each lesson in a Level before you move to the next lesson, and there are written exams at the end of each lesson that you can take at your own pace. Your starting Level will be determined by the Math Placement Advisor.  This is an ONLINE, SELF-PACED program, and the window for completion is from April though July.  You will need to plan carefully so that you can achieve your desired level of mastery.

Once you have completed all the lessons for one Level, you will take a proctored exam.  You may take the exam in the comfort of your own home, but you must arrange with the instructors for individual proctoring via Zoom.  Students meeting a predefined standard on proctored exams will be awarded S&T credit for Math 1103 (Fundamentals of Algebra), Math 1140 (College Algebra), or Math 1160 (Trigonometry), as appropriate. If you earn credit for fundamentals of algebra (Level 1), you can continue into college algebra (Level 2). If you earn credit for college algebra (Level 2 or Level 3), you can continue into trigonometry (Level 4).

Can I get more information about advantages of Fast Track in my particular situation?

Of course!  Use the link at the bottom of the page to contact a faculty advisor.  Here are a few common situations:

  • Your math placement scores place you into Math 1210 Calculus IA (the first half of Calc I), but you want to take Math 1214 (Calc I in one semester). You can start in Fast Track Level 3, earn credit for College Algebra, then continue into Fast Track Level 4, and earn credit for Trig.  If you plan your time carefully and successfully complete both Levels, you can then enroll in Math 1214.
  • You have incoming college credit for Math 1214 and are registered for Math 1215, Calc II. However, you don’t feel confident in your trig skills.  You can start in Fast Track Level 4 and get a good review of trigonometry to feel more prepared going into Math 1215.
  • Your ACT score places you into Math 1120 College Algebra, but you had some Calculus in high school and want to be in at least Math 1210. You can start in Fast Track Level 2.  Successful completion means you would earn credit for College Algebra, and you could switch to Math 1210.  If you still have time remaining, you could start Fast Track Level 4 and see how far you can get.

What Happens When I'm Done?

Once you successfully complete Fast Track, S&T's Math Placement Advisor and an academic advisor from your department will contact you.  They can assist you in planning your next steps, including switching your math course if this is appropriate.

What if I don’t Finish the Program?

It happens to everyone – sometimes you start a project and don’t get as far on it as you expected to.  But every bit of time you spend working on Fast Track is worth it.  The practice you get in your mathematics with this program will help you improve your performance in your college math courses, whether you complete Fast Track or not.  Even if you don’t finish, Fast Track will increase your mastery and put you on a more solid foundation.

How Much Does Fast Track Cost?

For incoming students, Fast Track costs $650, payable upon registration.

At the start of the Fall semester, Pell Eligible students will receive a refund of $151, making the total cost of the program just $499.

Since Fast Track can result in 3-8 credits earned, this is a substantial savings. If you took a 3 credit course from S&T in Summer 2025, it would cost over $1200 for Missouri residents and over $3000 for non-residents.

This Sounds Great! How Do I Register?


To register, you'll want to have the following information ready:

  • The email you used to log in to Slate (this is what you'll need first)
  • Your S&T Student ID Number
  • Your S&T email
  • A valid method of payment

Once you're ready to register, click here.


If you have any questions about Fast Track, contact Prof. Fitch.